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Each fee quote is unique and is based on your needs and the statutory requirements.

Most schemes will start with an initial consultation; the outcome of an initial consultation is always different, but the aim would be to complete the following;

  • Discuss your needs, budget, and any statutory or physical restrictions relevant to your home.

  • Formulate the 'project brief' for your works. 

  • Talk you through the approvals and construction process, advising on likely statutory and professional costs.

  • Take basic dimensions and photographs to allow the future production of drawings as required. 


We offer an initial consultation at your home for £150. 

Once the brief has been formulated, we can provide you with a quote for further services based on your needs. Most homeowners opt for a Full Service taking your project from concept to completion.


We base our Full Service fee quotes on the anticipated pre-tax construction contract value, typically totalling 10%. So to give yourself a rough idea of what we would charge take 75% of your total budget and divide it by 10. This is our total fee which is them distributed throughout the work stages.


If you would like planning services only (work stages 0-2), we offer a single element application service for £1,450, or dual element for £1,750.

Were a single element is classed as a loft conversion, a single storey extension, or other external works like window replacement, landscape works, or boundary treatments. Dual element would be a combination of 2 of the above or a two-storey extension. 

If your scheme is particularly complicated, if your property is listed or within a conservation area, or is outside the M25 please contact us and we will provide you with bespoke quotes for the above listed prices.

We are currently not registered for VAT so you save a little bit extra to spend on something nice.

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